College, Finances, & Student Loans, with Lauryn Williams

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Worth Knowing/College, Finances, & Student Loans, with Lauryn Williams

College, Finances, & Student Loans, with Lauryn Williams


In this episode of the Worth Listening podcast host, Lauryn Williams continues sharing her own personal money memoir by discussing her experience with earning an athletic scholarship, why she chose the University of Miami, and how she handled her finances in college.

Lauryn broke some of the popular stereotypes about college students and finances. She was responsible with credit cards and didn’t get caught up in spending money on things that weren’t needed. And, while she might not have needed student loans herself, as a financial planner she has become an expert on working with clients to create student loan plans.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why she chose to attend the University of Miami
  • ​How she handled her finances in college
  • ​How she felt about borrowing money (even from friends)
  • ​The importance of having good influences in your life
  • The surprising things she didn’t feel prepared for in her own finances when college was over (even as a finance major)
  • ​The difference between paying on your student loans and having a student loan plan

If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:

Instagram: @worthwinning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams

Lauryn Williams

Hi, I'm Lauryn

Certified Financial Planner

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