Spending With Purpose

Change Your Money Mindset!

The budgeting basics you need to transform your finances.

Online Course!

Online Course

It doesn't matter what you know about money if you aren't acting on it. In this course we get into the nitty-gritty of the big bad b-word. BUDGETING. You have to have a plan established to tell your money where to go so it will work for you. This course will guide you through creating that plan.

It doesn't matter what you know about money if you aren't acting on it. In this course we get into the nitty-gritty of the big bad b-word. BUDGETING. You have to have a plan established to tell your money where to go so it will work for you. This course will guide you through creating that plan.

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Tired of creating budgets only to have them fail after a month or two? Does your money stretch farther on paper than it does in real life? Are you ready to make this the year that you finally get a strong plan for your financial future? This is the course for you.

After years of financial training including earning all the fancy credentials, I've poured my knowledge into creating a course that will help those that are serious about transforming their finances stop just "getting by" or living paycheck-to-paycheck.


A simple guide to change  how you handle your money

We're going to dive right into the big bad b-word: budgeting!

  • Determining needs vs wants in your finances
  • Establishing short, mid, and long-term goals
  • Categories for your spending plan
  • ​What to do if your income doesn't cover expenses
  • ​Step-by-step guide to creating a budget

Are you ready to finally create a realistic budget you can follow to improve your finances?


Spending with Purpose

There are a lot of apps and tech options out there to help you create and track your monthly budget, but there's only problem... if you don't know how to create a realistic budget then no fancy tool is going to help you change the way you handle your money.

In this course, I'm going to walk you through how to create a customized budget based on your current expenses with your financial goals in mind.

In this course, we  be exploring your:

  • ​Your financial obligations and expenses
  • Financial goals and objectives
  • How much you should be paying yourself (AKA saving)
  • ​Aligning your goals with your obligations

Here's what you get:

  • ​Video Coaching: Guided video lessons with a Certified Financial Planner and financial coach.
  • Workbook: Actionable steps to help you put what you're learning into action in your life.
  • Self-Paced Course: The self-paced lessons allow you to work through them at a comfortable pace.

Total value: $397

Just: $249!


Spending with Purpose

There are a lot of apps and tech options out there to help you create and track your monthly budget, but there's only problem... if you don't know how to create a realistic budget then no fancy tool is going to help you change the way you handle your money.

In this course, I'm going to walk you through how to create a customized budget based on your current expenses with your financial goals in mind.

In this course, we  be exploring your:

  • ​Your financial obligations and expenses
  • Financial goals and objectives
  • How much you should be paying yourself (AKA saving)
  • ​Aligning your goals with your obligations

Here's what you get:

  • ​Video Coaching: Guided video lessons with a Certified Financial Planner and financial coach.
  • Workbook: Actionable steps to help you put what you're learning into action in your life.
  • Self-Paced Course: The self-paced lessons allow you to work through them at a comfortable pace.

Total value: $397

Just: $249!

Hi, I'm Lauryn!

I'm a 4x Olympian, 3x Olympic medalist and the first American woman to earn a medal in both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. While pursuing professional sports, I interacted with not one but two financial advisors that didn't provide the services I needed. I asked friends what they were doing about their finances and the answers were vague and unsettling.

When I retired from sport, I became a Certified Financial Planner and founder of Worth Winning to fill the gap for other young money makers. This course was created out of the commonalities I discovered in the questions I heard from people reaching out for help.

Access to good financial advice should not be withheld from people who aren't ready to work with a financial planner. Whether it's because you're not sure what a financial planner does, you've heard horror stories in the past, or you just can't afford it right now—you deserve information!

I hope this course empowers you to create a realistic budget and financial plan that will change the trajectory of your life (and help you sleep a little easier at night.) You got this!


Frequently Asked Questions

 When does the course start?

The course starts now and never ends! It's a completely self-paced online course—you decide when you start and when you finish. But to take full advantage of the course, you're going to want to keep things moving. The information only works as long as you are sticking with it.

 How long do I have access?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like—across any and all devices you own. 

Ready To Get Started Today To change your financial future?

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