Financial Literacy and Financial Distractions, With Lauryn Williams

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Worth Knowing/Financial Literacy and Financial Distractions, With Lauryn Williams

Financial Literacy and Financial Distractions, With Lauryn Williams


Today podcast host, financial coach and Certified Financial Planner Lauryn Williams deep dives into talking about financial literacy and the distractions that stop people from taking control of their finances the right way.

While society tends to think that financial literacy is only a problem for low-income earners, it’s not true. Financial distractions get in the way of financial literacy for people on all ends of the earnings spectrum. If you’re not reaching your financial goals and aren’t on the path to get there, this is the episode for you!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How financial distractions get in the way of financial literacy
  • ​The importance of being able to admit what you don’t know about finances
  • ​The importance of understanding what your financial goals are to identify financial distractions when they come along
  • ​Common examples of financial distractions that negatively impact financial literacy
  • ​Why you need to know the difference between the “right thing to do” and the “right thing for you to do”
  • ​Accidental success vs intentional success
  • ​The negative impact that skepticism can have on finances
  • ​How distraction impacts people on both sides of the earning spectrum
  • ​Why you need to get your financial basics in place before
  • ​The importance of watching out for those that are trying to hold you back

If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams at Worth Winning, follow us on social media:

Instagram: @worthwinning
Facebook: @worthwinningfp
LinkedIn: @lauryn-williams

Lauryn Williams

Hi, I'm Lauryn

Certified Financial Planner

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